Power Series
This series explores the human desire and need for power and control. Historically humankind has struggled to achieve emotional, physical, psychological, and economic control. Ironically, often these struggles create feelings of powerlessness and bewilderment, feelings that are prevalent in our world today.
I explored these challenges using the combinations of figurative and geometric elements. For example the sphere is symbolically used to convey a total encompassing power, while at the same time it creates a sense of continuity and strength as well as perfection.
Throughout my work I have emphasized our common humanity, and how we need connection and control in our lives. But I also ask ourselves to consider the ways in which we achieve meeting these needs—and whether the ways justify the fulfillment of these needs. This series of stoneware sculptures are necessarily open to diverse interpretation, just as the human exchanges they represent.
P. Kloczkowski Luberda